6 Week Checkup & a Hotel Booking

I quickly realized that by the time my 6 weeks was up, I would be out of town, on a weeklong vacation. I called Dr. Watts and scheduled a post-op visit -- it would officially be 5 weeks when I met with him. I went with my mom, for support. 

We walked into the room, I took off my pants, underwear, and put my legs on the stirrups. It's silly. Because the first time I did this, I was humiliated. Now, I'm thinking, "Here! I'll spread my legs if you have fixed my genitals!" I'm a little bit inappropriate - but can't help but think of being humorous throughout this hard trial of mine. Dr. Watts entered the room and got down to business. He stuck his finger 'up there.' I noticed, and it was tight, but there was no pain. He said: 

"You are looking excellent! I bet if you went to any other gynecologist, they would have no idea that you got this surgery performed. You look great! You can begin having sex, using tampons, and getting back to your life!" My mom began asking questions, simply because she didn't quite understand the exact way that the surgery worked. Dr. Watts said, "Do you mind if I show her?" "No! Go ahead!" 

Dr. Watts showed my mom the exact procedure that he completed. The tissues he cut, and where he stitched back together. After our questions were answered, Dr. Watts proceeded to say, "Congratulations. I'm super happy for you. And hey! Maybe I'll be the one to deliver your baby!" He walked out of the room. My mom and I embraced each other and I began to cry, uncontrollably. My vulvodynia was gone. This was fixed. I was no longer broken. I was going to go about living a normal newlywed life.

My mother gave me an awesome idea! She said, "You should think about taking your husband out to dinner and get a hotel room where you spent your wedding night. Not that it will be a "do-over," but you can kind of think of it that way. Ohhh man. That was such a great idea! I instantly called the Little America hotel & Ruth's Chris and got dinner reservations. I was going to take my husband out on a hot date. Though my nerves were jittery, I was so excited. I remember the amount of hope I had inside of me. I was courageous, but I was also pretty confident. I was so excited to experience this with my husband, once and for all.