As I walked into the doctors office, they took me into the room where the surgery would take place. I removed my pants & underwear, laid my legs on the stirrups, and anxiously waited Dr. Watts to enter the room. He quickly came in & gave me some brief instructions. "You are going to be very tender down there for a few weeks. It will be difficult, but it will be okay. I want to see you back here in 6 weeks. No sex or any type of penetration until then." 6 weeks? Easy peasy. Well, if this was the cure. Here goes nothing.
The anesthesiologist proceeded to enter the room. I will never forget how amazing he was. He was a third-party "business" from Texas. He asked me what my favorite singer was. "Taylor Swift!" I said. His wife gave me a bar of soap to sniff while I was falling into my sleep. Listening to Taylor Swift, imagining a trip with her in the Bahamas, and sniffing a delicious bar of soap, 3 - 2 - 1- I was out.
I remember waking up to Dr. Watts giving my mother instructions. I only remember laughing, nothing else. Anesthesia does some funny things to people. My mom took me home & I slept like crazy.
After waking up and being aware of my surroundings, I had the opportunity to talk to my mother about what Dr. Watts said about the surgery. She proceeded to say, "He said the surgery went good. He did say that you were extremely flared up down there and that you had a severe case of vulvodynia. He said he thinks that it will completely cure you. No sex for 6 weeks. Pads, not tampons. Take it easy for 2 weeks. The stitches will dissolve on their own. Soak in the bath often."
My mother was there for me every second of that recovery. I am so grateful for her patience, persistence, and the true nurturing attitude she had toward me. For the first four days of recovery, it was probably the most pain I have ever been in. Now, I haven't been through much in my lifetime. I probably have a low pain tolerance, or something. On the other hand, it was very hard for me to walk for a couple days. I hoped so so bad that it was worth it. The fact that it hurt so bad made me think Dr. Watts had to have done something pretty drastic!
6 weeks would be nothing. I had already gone a little over a year and a half with the most excruciating sex life possible. 6 weeks would breeze by, and then, we would try it again.